

Carnitorax contain high concentration of l-carnitine and zinc which help in treatment obesity and improve fertility.

(Carnitorax a solution to obesity and infertility)

(in Arabic – الترجمة باللغة العربية)


Are you looking for an effective solution to obesity and infertility?

Here is the optimal solution.. with Carnitorax (30 film coated tablets)

We are pleased to introduce to you an innovative medication containing L-carnitine and zinc, specifically designed to treat obesity and infertility in both women and men.

These film coated tablets contain high-quality active ingredients, making them easy to swallow and gentle on the digestive system. It’s unique formula, this medication is highly effective in combating obesity by increasing fat burning and energy production to support you with activity, vitality, and getting rid of weight gain and obesity issues.

Carnitorax also increases fertility rates in both women and men.

L-carnitine works to increase male hormones in men and improve sperm analysis values by increasing sperm count, reducing deformities, and improving sperm motility, thus increasing fertility rates in men.

In women, L-carnitine, a natural substance, burns fat and treats Poly cystic Ovary syndrome (PCOs), contributing to hormonal balance in women’s bodies and regulating ovulation cycles, aiding in producing mature, fertile ova suitable for fertilization.

It also reduces prolactin hormone levels, increasing the chances of conception, in addition to being an energy booster and antioxidant, contributing to producing mature, defect-free ova, enhancing pregnancy chances, and improving the success rate of IVF procedures.

Most importantly, it comes at an affordable price, making it accessible to everyone.

Don’t miss the opportunity to achieve your health and beauty goals with Carnitorax.

Start using our effective and safe medication today. Get amazing results, and prepare to face life with confidence and happiness.


Active Ingredients:

  • L-Carnitine
  • Zinc



  • Obesity and excess weight
  •  Increased fertility and treatment of infertility in men (increasing the level of male hormones, increasing sperm count, reducing sperm abnormalities, enhancing sperm motility)
  • Increased fertility and treatment of infertility in women (treating PCOs, restoring hormonal balance, regulating ovulation cycle, producing high-quality mature ova suitable for fertilization)
  • Improving pregnancy chances and increasing success rates of artificial insemination operations (IVF).



Take one tablet once daily or as directed by a doctor.