Citichone oral suspension (100ml)

Citichone oral suspension (100ml)

The key to health brain with Citichone oral suspension.




The key to health brain with Citichone oral suspension.


Active ingredient:

  1. Citicoline            
  2. l-carnitine           
  3. co-enzyme q10  



1-citichone known as psychostimulants supplement

2-Improve cognitive function or reduce the rate of cognitive deterioration in people with Alzheimer’s disease /mild cognitive impairment

3-Treatment of acute and sub-acute cerebro-vascular accidents and recent head traumatisms

4-Accelerates recovery after brain surgery and neurosurgery

4-Treatment of sensory, motor neuropsychology disorders of degenerative or vascular origin


6-Parkinson’s disease

7-Improve focus and attention and treat glaucoma

8-Downregulates the brain inflammatory response.



  • 5 ml twice daily for children
  • 10 ml twice daily for adults